Xinming Li|Professor
ID | 278 |
姓名 | Xinming Li|Professor |
职位 | 4 |
联系方式 | <p>Work position: Associate director of lab, assistant rector</p><p>Laboratory: Laboratory of Tribology and Surface Engineering </p><p>Telephone: +86-18660261702</p><p>E-mail: <br/></p> |
个人简介 | <p><strong><span style="font-size:18px">Research Interests</span></strong></p><p>1.Elastohydrodynamic lubrication</p><p>2.Applied basic research on rolling bearing grease lubrication</p><p>3.Tribology instrument development </p><p><strong><span style="font-size:18px">Education</span></strong></p><p>1.2012: PhD, Mechanical Engineering, Qingdao University of Technology, School of Mechanical Engineering </p><p>2.2008: MPhil, Mechanical Engineering, Qingdao University of Technology, School of Mechanical Engineering </p><p><strong><span style="font-size:18px">Employment</span></strong></p><p>1.2016-: Associate Professor for the field of Mechanical Engineering, Qingdao University of Technology, School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering</p><p>2.2017-2019: Post-doctorate for the field of Chemical Engineering, Qingdao Institute of Energy and Process sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences</p><p>3.2018-2019: Visiting Scholar for the field of Tribology, Gottfried Wilheim Leibniz University Hannover, Institute of Mechanical Design and Tribology </p><p>4.2015.04-2015.10: Visiting Scholar for the field of Tribology, Gottfried Wilheim Leibniz University Hannover, Institute of Mechanical Design and Tribology </p><p>5.2013-2015: Lecture for the field of Mechanical Engineering, Qingdao University of Technology, School of Mechanical Engineering</p><p>6.2012-2013: Senior Research Assistant for the field of Tribology, City University of Hongkong, Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering </p><p>7.2011-2012: Research Assistant for the field of Tribology, City University of Hongkong, Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering</p><p>8.2009-2010: Research Assistant for the field of Tribology, City University of Hongkong, Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Engineering Management</p><p><strong><span style="font-size:18px">Leading and other important functions</span></strong></p><p>1.2017-: Senior member of the Chines Mechanical Engineering Society</p><p>2.2013-2017: Member of the Youth Working Committee of Tribology Society</p><p><br/></p> |
研究课题 | <p><span style="white-space: nowrap;"><strong><span style="font-size:18px">Projects</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="white-space: nowrap;">1.<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>2019-2022: Motion and replenishment of mirco droplet groups on wettability gradient surfaces and regulation of rolling bearing lubrication with fixed oil amount feeding (National Natural Science Foundation of China, NSFC)</span></p><p><span style="white-space: nowrap;">2.<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>2019-2022: Lubrication regulation of rolling bearing of high-end equipment under harsh conditions (Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province)</span></p><p><span style="white-space: nowrap;">3.<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>2019-2022: On the lubrication technique of high-speed rolling bearings (Program for Young Scholars Innovative Research Team in Higher Education Institutions of Shandong province)</span></p><p><span style="white-space: nowrap;">4.<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>2017-2019: Flow of grease and lubrication failure of wind turbine bearing under low temperature (China Postdoctoral Science Foundation)</span></p><p><span style="white-space: nowrap;">5.<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>2015-2016: Lubricating film formation at high speeds with oil droplets feeding (NSFC)</span></p><p><span style="white-space: nowrap;">6.<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>2014-2016: On the lubrication mechanism with micro-oil droplet supply. (Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province)</span></p><p><br/></p> |
研究成果 | <p><strong><span style="font-size:18px">Prizes and awards</span></strong></p><p>1.2020: Science and Technology Award in Higher Institution of Shandong Province (second prize), Order of Affiliations of Authors:1. </p><p>2.2018: Outstanding achievement award of the ministry of education (second prize), Order of Affiliations of Authors: 2. </p><p>3.2017: Science and Technology Award in Higher Institution of Shandong Province (second prize), Order of Affiliations of Authors:4. </p><p>4.2013: Award of Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation of Shandong province</p><p>5.2012: Qingdao Natural Science Award (first prize), Order of Affiliations of Authors: 2.</p><p><br/></p> |
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