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Jianjun Zhang|Professor
更新组内成员: Jianjun Zhang|Professor
<p>Zhang Jianjun, professor, master Supervisor</p><p>Email: yoyojjzh@163.com</p><p>Tel: 0532-85071137</p><p>Office location: Administrative Service Center 101</p><p><br/></p>
<p>Technical broker of Qingdao science and Technology Bureau, peer review expert of mechanical discipline project of National Natural Science Foundation of China, and communication review expert of dissertations of the Ministry of education. Academically, I am mainly engaged in the numerical theoretical calculation of tribology, the application basic research of advanced lubrication technology, and the development of tribological measuring instruments. In March 2014, I was sent by the Ministry of science and technology to visit Brno University of technology in the Czech Republic. In November 2016, I participated in the China Japan Cherry Blossom plan to visit Kyushu University of technology in Japan. 30 academic papers were published in tribology international, industrial lubrication and tribology, Journal of internal combustion engine, Journal of tribology and other first-class journals, of which 10 were retrieved by SCI and EI. As the project leader, I presided over the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the research fund for innovation and entrepreneurship education reform of Chinese universities, the general research project of Humanities and social sciences of the Ministry of education, the R & D and innovation plan project of agricultural machinery and equipment in Shandong Province, the key R & D plan (public welfare special) project of Shandong Province, the general project of Shandong natural science foundation and the collaborative education project of the Ministry of education, and participated in 4 projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China. In addition, I presided over 1 popular science project in Qingdao, 1 famous school project and 7 school level teaching and research topics. I have guided students to win 6 national competitions and more than 60 provincial competitions. The students have won awards such as the star of self-improvement of Chinese college students, Baosteel scholarship, national scholarship and good young people in Shandong in the new era.</p>
<p>Research subject</p><p>1. Research on interface slip mechanism based on abnormal friction phenomenon of Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication (51305221), National Natural Youth Foundation of China, 250000, concluded, presided over</p><p>2. Shandong graduate education innovation plan project "Research on Countermeasures to improve the employability of mechanical graduate students in local colleges and Universities Based on usem model (sdyc16041)", concluded, presided over</p><p>3. Shandong Agricultural machinery equipment R & D innovation plan project "research and development of key technologies and equipment for hierarchical picking of winter jujube with predetermined position plug-in same direction vibrating soft landing thread (2018yf018)", 800000, under research, presided over</p><p>4. Key R & D plan of Shandong Province (public welfare) "research and application of key technologies of new green Nao high performance friction materials with adjustable interface nanostructure" 2019gsf109094, under research and presided over</p><p>5. Shandong natural science foundation project "Research on Tribological Properties of polymer metal pairs for regulating sea conditions based on interface nanostructure evolution", zr2020me135, in research, presided over</p><p><br/></p>
<p>Research achievements (papers, patents, awards)</p><p>1. Zhang Jianjun, Yang peiran, Guo Feng, Wang Jing. Thermal elastohydrodynamic lubrication analysis considering transverse vibration. Lubrication and sealing, 2014 (8): 1-7. (Chinese core journals)</p><p>2. Zhang Jianjun, Guo Feng. Effect of sliding direction of contact solid on lubrication under vibration impact. Lubrication and sealing, 2014 (9): 30-35. (Chinese core journals)</p><p>3. Zhang Jianjun, Wang Jing, Guo Feng. Influence analysis of normal harmonic vibration on thermoelastohydrodynamic lubrication. Mechanical design and manufacturing, 2014 (8): 234-235239. (Chinese core journals)</p><p>4. Zhang Jianjun, Guo Feng, kaneta m, omasta M. study on thermoelastohydrodynamic lubrication orthogonal to entrainment and sliding. Journal of tribology 2015 (4): 477-484. (EI)</p><p>5、Jianjun Zhang,Peiran Yang,Jing Wang,Feng Guo. The effect of an oscillatory entrainment velocity on the film thickness in thermal EHL point contact.Tribology International,2015.5.22.(SCI)</p><p>6. Zhang Jianjun, Yang peiran, Guo Feng, Wang Jing. Analysis of time-varying point contact thermal elastohydrodynamic lubrication of eccentric mechanism. Journal of internal combustion engines, 2015 (3): 279-287. (EI)</p><p>7. Zhang Jianjun, Li Dong. Construction of employment service system based on person job matching theory. School party construction and ideological education, March 2015. (Chinese core journals)</p><p>8、Jianjun Zhang,Liu Chenglong, Feng Guo. Numerical Simulation on Variable Load EHL Problems with Single Asperities. Key Engineering Materials 2015.1 (EI)</p><p>9、Jianjun Zhang, Qibo Ni,Jing Wang and Feng Guo. Transient thermal elastohydrodynamic lubrication of point contacts subjected to normal vibration, Industrial lubrication and tribology.2016, 68(5): 536-547.(SCI)</p><p><br/></p>
<p>Teaching</p><p>1. The paper "teaching reform practice of mechanical specialty based on College Students' innovation and entrepreneurship" won the third prize of excellent paper on entrepreneurship education in national colleges and universities in 2012;</p><p>2. In June 2014, he won the second prize of excellent graduation design (Paper) of Qingdao University of Technology: Design of multi angle Point Contact EHL film thickness measuring instrument</p><p>3. The paper "construction of employment service system based on the theory of person job matching" won the third prize of 2015 excellent achievement award for ideological and political education in Colleges and universities in Shandong Province and the first prize of 2015 excellent scientific research achievement award for student education and management in Colleges and universities in Shandong Province;</p><p>4. The paper "exploration on the cultivation of innovative and entrepreneurial talents in science and engineering based on two wheel drive" won the third prize of excellent paper on entrepreneurship education in national colleges and universities in 2014;</p><p>5. Excellent instructor of the 7th "survey Shandong" College Students' social survey activity in January 2016 Shandong Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League of China, Dazhong newspaper group</p><p>6. Excellent instructor of 2017 Dasheng electromechanical product innovation design competition;</p><p>7. Excellent instructor of the 9th Shandong robot competition in 2017;</p><p>8. In October 2020, excellent instructor of Huiyu group competition of the 9th National College Students' mechanical innovation design competition;</p><p>9, December 2019, China (small valley Wai) "Internet plus transportation" innovation and entrepreneurship contest excellent teacher award;</p><p>10. Excellent instructor of the 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th and 18th Shandong college students' electromechanical product innovation design competition.</p><p><br/></p>