ID | 270 |
姓名 | 郭荧荧|副教授 |
职位 | 4 |
联系方式 | <p>邮箱:gyyhappy@outlook.com</p><p>电话:15621007327</p><p>办公地点:教学楼A423</p><p><br/></p> |
个人简介 | <p>郭荧荧,副教授,理学博士,凝聚态物理专业。主要从事高分子聚合物的自组装,聚合物囊泡,纳米纤维素纤维,聚合物刷在介观尺度下的模拟。</p> |
研究课题 | <p>研究课题:多尺度模拟纳米纤维素纤维(NFC)抄纸的成形和脱水</p> |
研究成果 | <p>研究成果(论文、专利、获奖)</p><p>1. Yingying Guo, Luca di Mare, Robert K. Y. Li, Janet S. S. Wong. ‘Cargo release from polymeric vesicles under shear’, Polymers, 2018, Polymers 2018, 10, 336 (SCI)</p><p>2. Yingying Guo, Luca di Mare, Robert K. Y. Li,Janet S. S. Wong. ‘Structure of Amphiphilic Terpolymer Raspberry Vesicles’, Polymers 2017, 9,275. (SCI)</p><p>3. Yingying Guo, Zengwei Ma, Zejun Ding, Robert K. Y. Li. ‘Kinetics of Laterally Nanostructured Vesicle Formation by Self-Assembly of Miktoarm Star Terpolymres in Aqueous Solution’, Langmuir 2013, 29, 12811−12817. (SCI)</p><p>4. Yingying Guo, Zengwei Ma, Zejun Ding, Robert K. Y. Li. ‘Study of hierarchical microstructures self-assembled by π-shaped ABC block copolymers in dilute solution using self-consistent field theory’, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2012, 379, 48-55. (SCI)</p><p><br/></p> |
教学 | <p>教学:大学物理 (college physics)</p> |