ID | 264 |
姓名 | 柏林清|副教授|硕导 |
职位 | 4 |
联系方式 | <p>邮箱:skdbailinqing@163.com</p> |
个人简介 | <p>柏林清,副教授,工学博士,机械工程专业。主要从事摩擦、磨损与润滑相关的研究,发表SCI/EI收录文章3篇。</p> |
研究课题 | <p>1. 极端工况下摩擦反应膜与表面织构协同增强抗磨性能机理研究(国家自然科学基金青年基金)</p><p>2. 表面织构中润滑油空化压力的测量与分析(清华大学摩擦学国家重点实验室开放基金)</p><p><br/></p> |
研究成果 | <p>1. Bai L Q, Meng Y G, Khan Z A, Zhang V. (2017) The synergetic effects of surface texturing and MoDDP additive applied to ball-on-disk friction subject to both flooded and starved lubrication conditions. Tribology Letters, 65(4):163. (SCI)</p><p>2. Bai L Q, Meng Y G, Zhang V. (2016) Experimental Study on Transient Behavior of Cavitation Phenomenon in Textured Thrust Bearings. Tribology Letters, 63(2):1-15. (SCI)</p><p>3. Bai L Q, Bai S X. (2014) Frictional Performance of a Textured Surface with Elliptical Dimples: Geometric and Distribution Effects. Tribology Transactions, 57(7):1122-1128. (SCI)</p><p><br/></p> |
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