Yang Xu|Post doctorate
ID | 139 |
姓名 | Yang Xu|Post doctorate |
职位 | 25 |
联系方式 | <p>Mobil No.: 17863954918<br/></p><p>Email:xuyang_steel@163.com</p> |
个人简介 | <p> Yang Xu (instructor) is a PhD in the School of Mechanical Engineering at QUT. His current research is the relationship of phase transformation, nano-sized precipitation and mechanical properties in advanced steel products. Dr. Xu has published 16 papers on journals such as Materials Letters、Steel Research International、Acta Metallurgica Sinica、Journal of Northeastern University(Natural Science)、etc, and 12 of them were indexed by SCI or EI.<br/></p> |
研究课题 | <p style="text-align: left;"><strong>研究方向:</strong></p><p style="text-align: left;">1、钢中的纳米析出行为研究</p><p style="text-align: left;">2、先进钢铁材料的摩擦磨损性能研究</p><div style="text-align: left;"><br/></div> |
研究成果 | <p style="line-height: 22.8571px; white-space: normal;"><span style="font-weight: 700;">代表论文:</span></p><p style="line-height: 22.8571px; white-space: normal;">1. Xu Yang, Sun, Ming-Xue, Zhou Yan-Lei, Liu Zhen-Yu, Wang,Guo-Dong, Effect of Mo on Nano-Precipitation Behavior and Microscopic Mechanical Characteristics of Ferrite. Steel Research International, 2015, 86(9): 1056~1062 (SCI)</p><p style="line-height: 22.8571px; white-space: normal;">2. Yang Xu, Weina Zhang, Mingxue Sun, Hailong Yi, Zhenyu Liu, The blocking effects of interphase precipitation on dislocations’ movement in Ti-bearing micro-alloyed steels. Materials Letters, 2015, 139: 177~181 (SCI)</p><p style="line-height: 22.8571px; white-space: normal;">3. 徐洋, 孙明雪, 周砚磊, 刘振宇, (Nb,Ti)C在轧后卷取中的析出及对铁素体相微观力学特征的影响. 金属学报, 2015, 51(01): 31~39 (SCI)</p><p style="line-height: 22.8571px; white-space: normal;">4. 徐洋, 衣海龙, 孙明雪, 刘振宇, 不同工艺下Nb-Ti微合金钢组织演变和析出行为. 东北大学学报(自然科学版), 2012, 9: 1266~1269 (EI)</p><p style="line-height: 22.8571px; white-space: normal;">5. 徐洋, 衣海龙, 刘振宇, 王国栋, 钼对铌钛微合金钢高温变形行为的影响. 机械工程材料, 2012, 11: 109~112</p><p style="line-height: 22.8571px; white-space: normal;">6. 徐洋, 李凡, 孙明雪, 周砚磊, 衣海龙, 刘振宇, 轧后冷却方式对钛微合金高强钢组织性能的影响. 轧钢, 2013, 6: 1~3</p><p><br/></p> |
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